Granite Mountain Psychological Society

Speakers Bureau

Speakers for your group, meeting, etc.

Sarah Edmonds, Ph.D.
David Fero, Ph.D.
Karen Jones
Cathy Severson

Sarah Edmonds, PhD
Contact Info:
Phone #’s: 928-830-4661

Topic: Parenting
Title: Beyond Setting Limits
Description: As parents, we often get stuck in the same old power struggles with our children, and nothing seems to work!  Learn about a different way of parenting using compassion, empathy, and knowledge about child development.

Topic: Parenting
Title:  Trauma Proofing Your Child
Description: How do we keep our children safe and sound emotionally?  Learn about what traumatizes children, and how to help them before and after difficult life events.

Topic:  Communication
Title:  Compassionate Communication:  How to Hear and Be Heard
Description:  How do we communicate with others when our emotions have been triggered?  How can we ask for what we really want?  How do we hear what others truly need?  We’ll learn a system of communication that addresses all these issues.

Topic: Communication or Parenting
Title:  The Power of Empathy
Description: We hear a lot about empathy these days, but how do we really put it into practice in our lives?  We will learn ways to give empathy both verbally and in silence that will put us in deeper touch with our own and other people’s feelings and needs.

David Fero, Ph.D.
Contact Info:
Phone #’s: 928-830-0723

Since I am not in active practice except as a volunteer I am not advertising but believe I can represent MH and GMPS well to the community.

Topic: Pain Management
Description: Can tailor to the audience from my many presentations on Pain and Pain Management to include physician audience or parents or those with pain.

Topic: Aspergers
Description: Again can tailor to the audience. I do a volunteer facilitation of an Aspergers support Group

Topic: Veteran’s Issues
Description: 33 years working for the VA and US Army experience allows a number of topics for a number of audiences.

Topic: Trauma and Mental Health
Description: See the above

Topic: Stress and Anger Management
Description: Many years of experience and continuing to do a volunteer

Karen Allbright Jones
Contact Info:
Phone #’s: 612-718-9244

Topic: When Your Family Member has an Addiction or a Mental Health Diagnosis
Description: If you have a family member suffering an addiction or a mental health issue, you may feel you are suffering as well. Understanding Family Systems helps us to determine what roles each family member plays in the experience of these diseases and how better to cope with the emotions that come up.

Topic: Ambiguous Loss
Title: Why Am I so Sad? Has a change come into your life recently and you thought it would be a happy change but your feelings are not what you expected? Perhaps the change involved saying good-bye or some kind of loss. Examining the feelings of loss and grief involved in change can help us to be at peace with the change and move forward with our lives.

Topic: Spirituality
Title: Being Open to the Spiritual Part of Ourselves
Description: Are you feeling empty or that there must be more to life? There is! All people are Mind, Body and Spirit. Learn how to embrace and grow the spiritual side of yourself.

Karen Allbright Jones,
MAMFT Pastoral Counselor Prescott United Methodist Church

Cathy Severson
Contact Info:
Phone #’s: 928-775-4949

Topic: Retirement Transition
Title: Through the Golden Arch: Finding Passion and Purpose in Retirement
Description: A successful retirement is not about having a plan, but engaging in life planning. Choose from 12 modules for programs ranging from 30 minutes to 16 hours as we redefine life after 50.

Topic: Managing time in retirement
Title: Can a Cup of Coffee Derail Your Retirement Dreams?
Description: The #1 thing most people desire when retired is FREEDOM to do what they want, when they want. The #1 thing that destroys retirement is not having any structure to your day. Learn how to harness your new freedom with revolutionary tools and strategies.

Topic: Title: How to Survive a Retired Husband
Description: This humorous talk discusses the serious changes that couples undergo when one or both transition into retirement.